What do you think about the response to COVID-19 in Wales?

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About the UK Inquiry

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s preparedness and response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and to learn lessons for the future.

The experiences of people in Wales will be properly and thoroughly reflected in the inquiry. The decisions made by the Welsh Government and other Welsh public services will also be scrutinised by the inquiry team.

The Welsh Government has asked us (Community Health Councils in Wales) to speak to people about their experiences during the pandemic and gather feedback from the Welsh public. This information will be fed into the inquiry. We are doing this in lots of different ways, including this survey.

About this survey

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began a lot has changed for us all. Please share your feedback about your experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. This could be about any aspect in which your life was affected, or the lives of those you care about. For example, it could be about health or social care, education, work, home, money, support, your family life or social life.

Your feedback will help make a difference. We will share what you tell us directly with the UK Inquiry. We may also share what we hear with the NHS, the Welsh Government and other bodies in Wales who can take action to make changes where this is needed.

Your views and experiences will help them to see what people think has worked well and take action to learn from the things that didn’t go so well.


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About the UK Inquiry

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s preparedness and response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and to learn lessons for the future.

The experiences of people in Wales will be properly and thoroughly reflected in the inquiry. The decisions made by the Welsh Government and other Welsh public services will also be scrutinised by the inquiry team.

The Welsh Government has asked us (Community Health Councils in Wales) to speak to people about their experiences during the pandemic and gather feedback from the Welsh public. This information will be fed into the inquiry. We are doing this in lots of different ways, including this survey.

About this survey

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began a lot has changed for us all. Please share your feedback about your experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. This could be about any aspect in which your life was affected, or the lives of those you care about. For example, it could be about health or social care, education, work, home, money, support, your family life or social life.

Your feedback will help make a difference. We will share what you tell us directly with the UK Inquiry. We may also share what we hear with the NHS, the Welsh Government and other bodies in Wales who can take action to make changes where this is needed.

Your views and experiences will help them to see what people think has worked well and take action to learn from the things that didn’t go so well.


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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2022, 12:03 PM