What do you think about the response to COVID-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?
CHCs are independent, we make sure the NHS is doing a good job and people have a say in their local health services when things need to change or improve. We are now asking people to tell us their views and experiences about the pandemic, so we can share what we find out with the UK Inquiry into Covid-19.
You can tell us about anything.
This UK Inquiry will look at how well the UK (and Welsh) government handled the pandemic. The aim of the UK Inquiry is to learn lessons from what happened during the pandemic. What you tell us can help to make a real difference for the future.
THIS SURVEY IS AVAILABLE IN WELSH: https://dweudeichdweudcicgigcymru.uk.engagementhq.com/pa-effaith-gafodd-y-pandemig-arnoch-chi/survey_tools/beth-ydych-chi-n-ei-feddwl-am-yr-ymateb-i-covid-19-yng-nghymru