General Feedback

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Please tell us your experience of accessing NHS Services in Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan, using the textbox below.

If you would like talk to someone about your experience you can call the CHC Office on 02920 750112, or email

Please tell us your experience of accessing NHS Services in Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan, using the textbox below.

If you would like talk to someone about your experience you can call the CHC Office on 02920 750112, or email

Please tell us your experience of accessing NHS Services Today

Please ensure you tell us what service you are accessing and where.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, we will feed this back to the NHS. If you would like further help or support, please contact the CHC Office on 02920 750112

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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    A* service

    by ALR, about 2 years ago

    Very imprressed with my visit to the colonoscopy department today. Quick, friendly & proffessional. Helped put me at ease.

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Page last updated: 22 Jan 2023, 05:35 PM